My Story (…and yours)

As a Journalist I have interviewed business people, celebrities and artists, telling their stories on the pages of magazines and websites. Working in communications I spent years telling the brand stories of various fashion labels and even more years sourcing and telling the stories of people who benefited from charity services.
Now, as a Freelance Journalist and Communications Specialist, I continue to source and craft stories. I launched www.styleable.co.uk to do exactly that. Most of the stories I feature on www.styleable.co.uk are first pitched and featured in national media. Selling real life stories to magazines and newspapers has been a real lesson in finding exactly what it is that makes a great story and also what doesn’t! I now work with start-ups and SMEs, sharing their brand stories and sourcing and sharing the stories of their customers as a way to engage with other audiences.
When it comes to brand stories, I have learnt a few things along the way – here are just two:
Telling your story is great but it’s not easy
All of us have a story to tell, but identifying what aspect of your story you need to share and who you need to tell it to, that takes time and research – but it’s key. If your goal is to engage and create empathy with your customers, you need to know enough about your customers to understand what it is about your story that will do just that.
Be the face of your brand
Being the face of your brand can be a real game changer, but over the years I have worked with many CEOs who are uncomfortable with sharing their personal stories. I get it, it takes guts to be open and honest about who you are and to open yourself up to criticism. But, believe me, the benefits outweigh the risks, each and every time. Once you have mastered how to tell a compelling story – YOUR brand story – your audiences / customers will remember who you are, they’ll begin to care about you and ultimately care about your business. Personally, I have always been fascinated by human stories. I am thrilled when people are brave enough to be vulnerable and honest about their struggles and shortcomings – because the truth is, we all struggle and we all fall short. We all need to own our stories, find creative ways to to tell them.
Let me tell yours.
If you are interested in working with me, drop me a line:
I am driven by values
I only work with brands that align with my own values. What’s more, if I can’t add value to your project I won’t take it on.

Kiesha Meikle

Maya Schersmith Meikle