One of the most exciting – also the most tricky – aspects of working across multiple projects is the collaborative process. Specifically, working with different personality types. I love the start of a new project or business, not only do you get to learn about a new industry or trade you also get to meet people when they are at their best – geared up and excited about what they are about to do or create…it can be a real buzz.

Then there are those businesses that are growing and taking things to the next level. This is a crucial time, the anticipation of not knowing what is to come, what can be achieved… and what can’t. This is the time to push the boundaries and try new things – particularly when it comes to communications.

I feel very lucky to be working with my current clients, all of whom are embarking on brand new ventures across a range of industries. I’m looking forward to riding the wave with them throughout 2020 and beyond.